Public Health Agency of Canada
Vaccine safety and adverse events following immunization surveillance

Abdool S. Yasseen III PhD

Senior Epidemiologist | Biostatistician

Vaccine Safety | Sécurité des vaccins

COVID-19 Vaccine Surveillance | Surveillance du vaccin contre la COVID-19

Immunization Program of the Vaccine Task Force | Programme de vaccination du Groupe de travail sur les vaccins

Public Health Agency of Canada | Agence de la santé publique du Canada

130 Colonnade Rd S, Nepean, ON, K2E 1B6

Telephone: 1 (343) 542-8251

E-mail:         abdool.yasseen@phac-aspc.gc.ca

I am an epidemiologist/biostatistician with the federal government. My role is primarily focused on system development and surveillance methodologies for tracking and monitoring chemical exposures of potential public health concern. I have a general research interest in surveillance methodologies applied to large health administrative data. Prior to my current employment, I worked as a methodologist for just under 10 years at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, with a general program of research investigating prenatal and pediatric epidemiology among preterm births.