BC Centre for Disease Control
Health services, epidemiology

Sofia Bartlett is an early career researcher with training in infectious disease epidemiology, data linkage, microbiology, and phylogenetics. She is currently a Senior Scientist in Sexually Transmitted and Blood-Borne Infections (STBBIs) at the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control in the Clinical Prevention Services program, providing provincial scientific leadership for surveillance, program monitoring/evaluation, and policy advice related to these infections. She was previously a CIHR & Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research funded Health System Impact postdoctoral fellow. Her program of research is broadly focused on infectious diseases, and seeks to address gaps in knowledge around viral hepatitis, HIV, STBBIs, SARS-CoV-2, incarceration, injecting drug use, and the co-occurrence of these conditions, that have the potential to inform public health policy and health programming, while also advancing the rights and the health of marginalized people.