Name Institution Role within CanHepC Area of research
Gallardo Flores , Carla Elizabeth Queen's University Trainee – PhD Virus-host interaction
Lawton, David University of Ottawa Trainee – PhD, Trainee – Student representative Determining the molecular mechanisms involved in pro-inflammatory macrophage dysfunction in Hepatitis C Virus infection associated with liver cirrhosis.
Atif, Jawairia University of Toronto Trainee – PhD
Makuza, Jean Damscene University of British Columbia Trainee – PhD Epidemiology of HBV and its co-infection with HCV and/or HIV
Li, Jeff University of Ottawa / Ottawa Hospital Research Institute Trainee – PhD, Trainee – Student representative Immunology, Cancer immunology, Virology.
Hung, Jui-Hsia (Cleo) University of Ottawa Trainee – PhD
Palmer, Michael University of Saskatchewan Trainee – PhD Interactions between HCV and host RNAs and proteins
Sag, Michelle University of British Columbia Trainee – PhD Host-viral interactions investigating the mechanism of HCV translation to replication
Shengir, Mohamed McGill University Trainee – PhD HCV, HIV, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, liver fibrosis, non-invasive diagnostic tools in liver disease, biomarkers
Fadlelmawla, Nahla University Health Network Trainee – PhD, Trainee - attending the course MCB 6355 Basic Science, Molecular Biology, Translational research
Flores, Nicol Centre de recherche du CHUM Trainee – PhD
Flores, Nicol CRCHUM Trainee – PhD
Gobran, Samaa Centre de recherche du CHUM Trainee – PhD HCV/HIV co-infection
Mortazhejri, Sameh University of Ottawa Trainee – PhD
Udhesister, Sasha Université de Montréal Trainee – PhD Epidemiology, people who inject drugs, chronic pain, substance misuse, HCV
D'souza, Simmone University of Calgary Trainee – PhD HBV/HCV Co-infection
Tooley-Macarandang , Trinity Queen's University Trainee – PhD, Trainee - attending the course MCB 6355 Virus-host interactions