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Carrielynn is a Métis consultant whose primary focus is on assisting Aboriginal communities to identify and address health and social issues that have a negative impact on children and their families. She has done extensive work in the area of heath research around HIV, Hep C, STBBI and related mental health and stigma, particularly with Indigenous youth, Elders, resilience and research ethics. Her extensive committee work includes service on the Aboriginal Healing Foundation (Treasurer), the Canadian Institute of Health Research Ethics Standing Committee and the Health Canada/Public Health Agency of Canada Research Ethics Board. Carrielynn contributes substantially to the CIHR review and process development and is highly skilled working within Network environments. She has been on staff with the Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network (CAAN) since 2013 and is currently coordinates a national, community-led implementation project, DRUM & SASH. As a person with lived experience of Hep C, she works with researchers to assist in creating appropriate space for people with lived/living experience to be meaningful engaged throughout the project, from developing the proposal to knowledge translation and co-authoring articles.