CanHepC trainees award recipients

Congratulations to our CanHepC trainees!

The recipients of the 7th Canadian Symposium on HCV Poster & Oral presentations awards are:

Best graduate student poster – Yasmin Saeed  Best graduate student poster – Rasika Kunden Best oral presentation – Lucy Newman-Hogan & Dustin Dapp Best postdoctoral fellow poster – Che...
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Dr Houghton presenting at the Bacon & Eggheads Parliamentary Breakfast

Winning the battle against Hepatitis C - Bacon & Eggheads Parliamentary Breakfast

CanHepC sponsored the latest Bacon and Eggheads breakfast lecture on Parliament Hill looking back at the 30-year career journey of Dr Micheal Houghton, a pioneer in hepatitis C discovery and research. 

The Bacon & Eggheads lectures bring together Parliamentarians with experts in...

CanHepC Trainees & Staff raising awareness for WHD 2017

World Hepatitis Day 2017

Friday 28 July 2017 marked World Hepatitis Day and on this occasion the CanHepC trainees and staff members took to the streets to inform and increase awareness for hepatitis C, encourage people to get tested and educate on the various treatments available.

Over 300 “Get tested, know...

The Power of Health Research Canadian researchers working together to eliminate hepatitis C

CIHR Feature story on CanHepC

To mark World Hepatitis Day, the Canadian Institute for Health Research (CIHR) featured a story about researchers from our network (Drs Naglaa Shoukry, Jordan Feld, Julie Bruneau & Mel Krajden) on the power of health research and working together towards the elimination of hepatitis C....

Open letter to Health Minister Dr Jane Philpott

Hepatitis C prevention, care and treatment for all

Friday 28 July 2017 marks World Hepatitis Day and on this day it is more important than ever to underscore the progress made so far, plan for the future, and ensure that Canada is a world leader in reaching the hepatitis C elimination...

CATIE webinar

CATIE 6th CSHCV 2017 Learning Institute & webinar

For the second year in a row, CanHepC has partnered with CATIE on an initiative called the HCV Symposium Learning Institute.  

The Learning Institute is a knowledge exchange event that aims to distil and disseminate key research findings from the Canadian Symposium on Hepatitits C...

Fairmount view Banff 2017

6th Canadian Symposium on HCV & CanHepC Annual Meeting in Banff, AB

The 6th Canadian Symposium on HCV (CSHCV) took place in Banff on Friday 3rd March under the theme “Delivering a Cure for Hepatitis C Infection: What are the Remaining Gaps?”. The Symposium, organised by CanHepC & chaired by Lorne Tyrell and Carla Coffin, attracted a total of 264 attendees...


CATIE webinar on DAA reimbursement restrictions in Canada

CanHepC is participating in a webinar organised by CATIE on the strategies to address reimbursement restrictions for Hepatitis C in Canada

In collaboration with CanHepC, CTAC and the Kirby Institute in Australia, CATIE is organising a webinar looking at strategies to address Canada’s...

Direct Acting Antivirals

Reimbursement restrictions of DAAs for the treatment of Hepatitis C in Canada

CanHepC review shows more than 85% of Canadian provinces and territories restrict access to new direct-acting antivirals (DAA) for the treatment of the hepatitis C virus infection.

*Read the CRCHUM news brief on this article in french and English

Treatment with interferon-free,...

Screenshot CanHepC Website

Welcome to CanHepC's new website

The CanHepC website has got a complete overhaul and the logo has also been re-designed.

The new website has a fresher look with a better structured navigation so information about our Network and our activities is easily accessible by our members, our partners and members of the public...
