The below letter was sent on March 28th to the Prime Minister, federal party leaders, and MPs across Canada, endorsed by representatives from CanHepC, CASL, CanMASLD, CAHN, and CanHepB.
...In partnership with CATIE and the Public Health Agency of Canada, we are excited to share a new report highlighting key themes and recommendations that emerged from a bilingual meeting on hepatitis C elimination in...
On August 20th, 2024, the Ontario government announced their plan to ban supervised consumption sites within 200 meters of schools and child care centers. The ban will result in the closing of 10 supervised drug consumption sites in Ontario with sites being encouraged to transition into...
World Hepatitis Day on July 28 is a day to remember the million lives that are lost to viral hepatitis and to call for more actions to accelerate its elimination. Again this year, CanHepC reiterates its commitment to accelerating efforts towards the elimination of viral hepatitis in Canada...
CanHepC held its member’s Annual Meeting and 13th Canadian Symposium on Hepatitis C Virus in Toronto on February 29th and March 1st, 2024.
CanHepC’s Annual Meeting is a one-day gathering that convenes all our member investigators, knowledge users, student trainees, collaborators, and...
Thursday 9 May, 2024 marks the 3rd annual Canadian Viral Hepatitis Elimination Day (CanHepDay).
On this day CanHepC will be on Parliament Hill in Ottawa alongside Action Hepatitis Canada, the Canadian Hepatitis B Network, the Canadian Liver Foundation, and the Canadian Association for the...
July 28 is World Hepatitis Day, a day to call for change and remember the million lives that are lost to viral hepatitis ever year.
CanHepC acknowledges and joins its voice to the World Hepatitis Day campaign under the theme ‘We’re not waiting’ to demand urgent action to accelerate efforts...
Thursday May 11th, 2023 marks the 2nd annual Canadian Viral Hepatitis Elimination Day (CanHepDay). On this day, CanHepC joins its voice to Action Hepatitis Canada, the Canadian Hepatitis B Network (CanHepB), the Canadian Liver Foundation, and the Canadian Association for the Study of the...
CanHepC held its member’s Annual Meeting and 12th Canadian Symposium on Hepatitis C Virus (CSHCV) in Halifax on March 2-3, 2023.
The network’s 8th Annual Meeting took place on March 2nd 2023 at the Halifax Convention Center in Halifax, Nova Scotia. The meeting convened 87 of our member...